Rituals of the Dispossessed

Created by Alina Stormbringer (R.A. Bronk)


A Preface and Forewarning
The Stormbringer
The Circle of Transformational Fire

Preface and Forewarning

This is a mish- mash of a few summonings, spells and rituals that I have written over the years that I have decided to share with outsiders. I don't know how "beginner- friendly" they are to a newcomer of the occult, but they are designed to be relatively easy (with the possible exception of the Circle of Transformational Fire), so I guess you'll just have to try them and see for yourselves.

To avoid any potential hassles with idiots, I will simply give a disclaimer now: If you decide to do any of these rituals, spells, summonings, etc. then you and you alone are accountable for what happens! Understood? Good. Now let's get to the good stuff.

The Stormbringer

I am unsure how I learned this; it certainly wasn't from any book I've ever read. I do remember being two years old and having a fascination with thunderstorms. There is also a story that both my parents told me on separate occasions on a related subject regarding storms, me and my old dog Fluffy that borders on the absolutely spooky that I'll go into some other time. Perhaps, then, I have an affinity for this weather pattern. Who knows?

To begin, make sure you have a need for doing this spell (to power another working or something of that nature). Don't ever mess with the weather just because you are bored; the Thunderbeings (or whatever you choose to call them) do not suffer fools gladly.

Now then, sit (or stand if you have to) in a quiet area. If needed, get a set of headphones on and either listen to drumming music or the sounds of rain (if you have fairly good audio memory, you can get by just repeating the drumming in your head). It helps to have a heartbeat- type of rhythm going, and gradually increasing the volume and intensity (but if you use headphones, watch that volume). Then add a simple chant (you don't have to use real words, but it might help).

Gradually, the beating of the drums should sound a lot like thunder. Add the sound of rain falling (in your head). If it helps, close your eyes and strongly visualize the storm in action. When you feel you've generated enough into the visualization/meditation, let it go, get up and walk away.

The storm should appear within 6-24 hours.

The Circle of Transformational Fire

Burnt Offerings

ultrarungrrl@hotmail.com (R.A. Bronk)